Sunday, December 20, 2009
Ella to Dean
Hi Dean -had a good time with gma Carmie she likes to talk-she knows the language.This is an old picture Bad hair moment. i usually have great hair. Yes my muscle tone-head control and language and communication are really moving along. Speaking of moving-Why is it that every toy has batteries,sound and movement except for the mobile. It has to be wound i just get sleepy and enjoy it then bam it has to be wound again and it wakes me up.Who ever thought of that.? now Carmie please edit before you publish!
Dean to ella
Hi ella thats me and Tex my fuzzy brother.i am sooobig and loud i can yell and make bunches of noises. when Carmie hears me she is going to be so happy. How was your visit with gmaCarmie? i cannot wait to come ans see you. Love that skype though It is look great good head control i see and you are smiling and talking too. People -that is most big people just dont ever give us babies credit. we are so smart we are learning every nano-minute. Well hope Crm can put up your pictures too.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Dean today-
Hi ella -boy i know those shots really get you. i can turn over any time I want to. that is really kool. Mom got annoyed with the daily UPS truck- i go to sleep-UPS arrives Tex barks and I get up and oh she gets annoyed.Tex is just doing his job-barking at all intruders on the block. See yu soon for Christmas.
Ella-MD trip
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Ella =can do--
Hey Deqan == I can play with my mobile I really like it. My gramma jan visited me and babysat. I can kick and say more sounds and I can be even louder. Going to MD tomorrow -I hope I gained weight. That will change when i grow up. I have great head control and am really enjoying my outfits.
REturn to babies
Ok Ella we need more pictures of you. Well I am a real big boy now i can chuckle and yell and turn over. I went to visit my mom's work and I am going to Nj for Xmas.Snow and ice ad cold I like the cold. Wow there is so much to see and learn.
Ella -i am bummed No new photos of me No gramma she is in Miami what ever that is in fact just whatever. We will al be toghether again in Nj for xmas. Guess what Dean and i skyped. We are really kool. id you see my super xmas card. It is the best. Talk tomorrow Ella to Dean
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Well Ella We are on the way- in the car-in my "torture seat.....we are still driving.....OMG hours and hours ..where is New Jersey? mars?? We stopped Oh good food and out of the seat. Wow here we are. It's gma and gpas house. No bear-Wow Tex -like a shot he's in the . Everybody is happy to see me. Where is Aunt Amie-Oh she is flying yet Gues it is a long way. Where is Ella .
Ella arrives - Wow she is like me a baby but smaller by one month. Oh Aunt Alis Oh boy this is fun everyone is happy to see me. The big news I sleep all night-currently-dont get used to this...I am tired-did a lot of running - You know on my back kicking my legs real fast..
Next day Oh it is Aunt Amie -when did she arrive?? oh boy she really likes me.
They put me on the table -I hope Im not the 'turkey".
boy they like when I talk and smile.
Here comes Ella and my aunt and my Uncle Oh boy I like to look at ella -she is sooo pretty. She likes me too. Oh I hope everyone else has so many people who like them and like to look at them and hold them like ella and i do. we are lucky and I guess that is what Thanksgiving is all about.
Ella says Oh the choices - look at my outfits. Dean is so cute . We are good looking babies. he is bigger than i am. I have ,ore hair. i have aunt amie and aunt AJ and uncle B We are so lucky everybody likes us.That turkey smells good We can eat some next year.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Meetin Dean and Fam.
Hi Dean-road trip wow you are too kool. Icannot wait to meet you and Aunt AJ -how come she has only letters and no name? Aunt amie can fly! she is flying here from Miami. Wow We are so special. everybody is coming to visit. aunts that arent really aunts and who knows who else?? We are having our family's version of Thanksgiving this weekend. We are sooo excited. What to wear What to wear??? Aunt hilda and uncle ken wish you were coming to visit soon. Oh well Must eat again. See you later.
Gram not the best photo! I'm sleeping all night 4 times already-ella and iris i feel like a new man! I can stay up all day long and party and play.i can talk a lot now. On my way to meet ella and her mom and dad-aunt amie-Oh gee i am so excited. road trip to New jersey. I hope we see a bear in grma's yard. That would be way kool. See you all soon.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Ella 1 month visit to MD
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Ella pics
Ella visits without photos
Oh no-Gram is having trouble uploading my pics again. Well Dean i have more gpa and gma's too. Gma Carmie haws been visiting alot. I went out for a ride in my stroller with Carmie then it rained. oh i had a big bath I liked it.The next day carmie came back so i guess she likes me.We walked and i fell asleep to bob marley. Gma stayed with me and let mom go out for a while. She is most comfortable to sleep on. I wore my jeans. I have two back pockets. all I hear is- how cute. Well I hope gma gets the pics on.See you on Friday. Are we gonna get turkey? Well indirectly I guess. I am one month old already.
Catching Up with Dean and ella
Hey-ella-how many of those grandpa grandma things do you have?? I got two more from Texas. they flew here and visited me. It was so nice. they like me-i can know those big smiles they do. i am getting so big and stron. i had a conversation with grandpa Bill- i dont know what were saying but it was fun. Grandma and mom and i shopped-i got a jeans jacket. hey how do you like the hoodie.? How you doin with gma Carmie?
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Ella and Dean comiserating (i really dont know how to spell that)
Ella said to Dean via baby cell...
So Dean did you hear your mom talking about how she would enjoy a "babycation" after we were born.
Dean--Oh yeah I did hear that word. It is a made up word. Grma and her friends laughed. And now here we are and their b\"babycation" has not quite begun yet. Gma thinks maybe when we are 30.
Ella - We cannot get past "feed me now". oh well maybe there wil be a 'babycation" for you and i. Mom and Dad they will have to wait.
Baby tip #14 or less Holding and rocking and swaying are good for babies. Babies cannot be spoiled just that old food inthe refigerator that is spoiled-cause you have no time to clean out the fridge-cause you are tending to our needs-as it should be. kay-bye.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Dean to ella
Hey ella -i am good. we are having company tonite and tomorrow is mom and dad's anniversary. i like the bath now too. Does your cat like your face like my dog brother/ Hey I saw cousin Iris pictures too. she looks like me. Mom is putting me in a bjorn a carrier I like this a lot! i go everywhere with her- i can see really good and she likes it too. Maybe when you get big like me(2mos), you will like it too. Gram-is fun- i like talking to her-no baby talk. see you soon Dean
Ella on two nice fall days
Hi-It's me -ella--Gram visited us today for a little while - Not sure what day it was but she waited 3 days before she came to see me-after leaving you-dean.. It was sunny and warmish-we walked in my neighborhood-no bear that was good. gram held me and burped me. and we talked-sort of- i cant yet but she can-. But today -Sat- She waited a day after a tea party cause she didnt want to carry germs to me. today we went out and she held me a long long time she kept putting me to sleep and burping me and gave my mom a break. i have complete control at my house -Dean-how about you?? i cry they jump . How can such a little tiny girl have so much power.?? i like this. Head control is good- eyecontact to face and voice also good-wardrobe good and increasing daily! Oh Dean what do you think of that bath thing -now I'm liking it.We saw baby Iris pictures -she is cute just like us. Soon my mom will be seeing john in maine too. Boy there are a lot of us.Gma says it's an epidemic-especially that hofstra group.but at my mom's work too. Well see you soon-ella.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Ella to dean--Dean back to ella
Hey Dean- I'm doing Ok for my age. I can lift my head and turn side to side. I cant do that moving up and around by pushing with my feet yet like you do in your crib.I still dont "run" fast like you do but I'm getting there. Gram hasntcome to visit yet I hope she does soon. Can you see more and better? It is getting clearer for me but I still love the -contrast.
Dean says--i love my botanicals on the wall the contrast is great. but i like the faces too. My people are very funny.See you real soon.
More info for E
Hi ella it's me dean. i forgot to tellyou stuff. At 2 months yougo to the Dr and he gives you 2 shots-the shots dont hurt but latter -oh did my leg ache! but dont worry it goes away quick. mom and Dad(ie:staff) take care of it.I can almost get over from my tummy- Dont forget tummy time! mom says it is most important. Right leg up and over left-head facing left-just that right arm is in the way-but I'm getting close.
What about you? I can say my vowels and smile. I can say ah-g at least 4 times in a day- and eah at least 4x in a row. my ey cantact and engagement with people faces is great. i do smile more and I can almost laugh.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
This is my halloween contribution. Gram is in Nj but not coming to visit me Yet-for fear of flu. also i think she was outside playing in dirt since it was a nice day. She cant wait to see me and all my new developments. I'm getting the idea of that head control thing. I am really good at controlling my people-too. so D Howsbyyou?
D says I'm Ok miss grma- but i guess you can have her for a while. I'll be up north to visit soon. I cant wait to meet everyone. See ya-D.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
BAby E to Mr Baby D
Sorry no photo. D I was so worried about you that i did not sleep all night.! Neither did my mom. I just want to eat every minute. I cant wait to see gma- and I cant wait to meet yu and aunt -your mom and uncle your dad and Aunt A Oh boy family time. Just lets make believe we have a normal fam. Gram has got to learn to edit her writting -spelling etc.D I can turn my head from side to side too. And it did get easier to lift my head. Soo much to see so little time. Talk soo E.
Nov 1 Message to y'all and E
Well Okay now- It has been a very eventful not pleasant few days. E you would not believe what Ive been through! I got the flu-went to the dr. and he sent us to the er. Gma as you know is here again. She took me into the dr. alone-mom was in the car. So here it is all the bad news . In the hospital-I got a baby IV and poked and stuff and my staff(Dad-mom And gma) were sad. E it did hurt-realy bad and was very serious i had a fever!! But E here is the upside.Oh yes there is an upside..I figure this trauma to the folks has set me up for just about anything i want from now on! I'm thinking the Beemer is in the garage -now..gram said the spyderRTS is mine-who knows maybe the Gremlin--Oh E did you want the Grem? I think I can swing that.
Well of course halloween was a bust-being in the hospital and all that. The staff is getting punchy from being in so much- they keep laughing hysterically and then they say-"cause I'm a pothole". Dont know what to think of this.
Tips for E and I and any other new baby--
I can easily turn my head from side to side If yu kick your right leg and flop yur head left and if that other arm is out of the way,9Mom the Pt facilitted it for me)yu can flip yurself over. What a thrill. I can really run my feet fast and my boxing is better too. Of course Gma loves the ahga and the other sounds-the laugh and smile help too. Well that is it for now. Oh the photo shoot of halloween- why must they do this? Well as they say--"kay-bye" for now- It is me Mr Baby D.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Photo s-maybe?
back to D and back again!
Grma was back and she could not believe how big I've gotten. She spent a lot of time just observing me and we conversed.She in her language and i in mine of course. Ihave several vowels,a cooing schwa sound,"ae", and "ah. I can say 4 vowels in a row,I did aga and ahka. (Note to aunt alissa-gram says punctuation and spelling and capitals are over rated!). My eye contact and smiles have increases and i sort of laugh on the inhalation. gram explained that currently it is difficult for me to coordinate the diaphragmatic expulsion of air over the vocal chords with vocalizatiion but this is progressing nicely for an 8 week old.
Note to E- gram is coming back to see me again- She and I will converse more. she will see yu soon.LOL D.
PS gram dosent know what she did but is having trouble uploading images -no surprize there!
Friday, October 23, 2009
E and D more pictues
Back to See Dean
GRam is visiting again-she cannot believe how big I've grown. Head control is gresat-my vocabulary has increased at least two vowels ,a K and g I'm so kool. I can maintain eyecontact and track people. We had many good conversations while mom and dad were at the hospital. I showed gram the lovely botanicals on the wall and we just hung out!
Monday, October 19, 2009
I think I got it!
Baby E -I hope these are the good pictures. I cant wait to meet everyone.especially cousin D. By the way my head control is doing fine. I'm just 6days old. My eyes are still blue so is D's. Our parents are wishn and hopn that they stay that way.
Oh I am "green' I wear cloth-organic diapers . No cold wipes for me and pure cornstarch. How greenis my life!
D says --it isn't easy being green.
Visit w/E
Gma still having trouble with photos. too bad cause I am getting cuter each day.She came to visit and rocked me and held me.all the grow-ups had dinner and it smelled good. soo I got hungry again. Hey D guess what she is coming back to visit you.
I hope she gets tohe photos posted. Mom liked the pictures. Cannot wait till we meet in a few weeks. We will be meeting our Aunt A that will be fun. How is the head control coming?. I'm doing great-.Heard you did not like your swing ride. I like mine.
E says - boys are generally more active and enjoy that sort of thing! Well hope gma learns to get my pictures up.this blog is meant to have photos.
I hope she gets tohe photos posted. Mom liked the pictures. Cannot wait till we meet in a few weeks. We will be meeting our Aunt A that will be fun. How is the head control coming?. I'm doing great-.Heard you did not like your swing ride. I like mine.
E says - boys are generally more active and enjoy that sort of thing! Well hope gma learns to get my pictures up.this blog is meant to have photos.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
E photos 2nd try
Friday, October 16, 2009
E came home inSNOW
Sorry-h-but thanks for being my first follower. E got home and it snowed early-As soon as mom an dad help me i'll get pictures up here. E says oooh- this is soo nice -they feed me they hold me they keep me warm and talk sooo nice to me. Gma-keeps trying to make me burp- She needs to special Hi to aunt h on the West coast.
Hi It's me-D Snow ???I have another new cousin -In case i didnt mention it yesterday -her name is I. When will i see her. Where will we meet. Well wecome.
Hi It's me-D Snow ???I have another new cousin -In case i didnt mention it yesterday -her name is I. When will i see her. Where will we meet. Well wecome.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
E comes home from the Hospital
Well baby e had to come home from the hospital today in the pouring SNOW-what is that.?? Gma said- she is still very mellow and sleeping. ???I'm getting better at the sleep thing. Gma had to give some helpful hints like--NEVER Shoosh in a baby's ear. that is just rude! Swaying.swaddling,even a pacifier is ok but never shoosh. In what research does it state that whitenoise is the sound heard inutero?? This shooshing thing really made gram annoyed.
Baby E--I arrived home today- i don't live in that busy place they call the hospital. Wow I like my room and my house. BaBY D i have a fuzzy brother too -not a dog a cat. My room is very beautiful. I hope there is room for my shoes-when I get some!I already have lots of pretty clothes. Mom and Dad are pretty kool-they are very "green". It is snowing and that white stuff is sticking to the grass-I heard mom and dad say that .
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Lost one!
Message to e
Ok I dont know what gma did but this is the continuation-So E- you are one day old. what do you think of the lights and sounds. Seeing your mom and dad those familiar voices in person -kool huh? The swaddle strange but comforting. How about that suck and swallow thing? You'll get it. dont worry about the spit-up -youve just over filled yur tank! I do that all the time.Well Gma has work to do so she says-burp cloths and onsies.Talk soon yur BFF D.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Baby E is here
Well I just got the news Baby e has arrived. She is my cousin. I am older and wiser by now. Cant wait to meet her.See what she thinks of this place and these people.Wonder if she has a fuzzy brother like I do.
First Days Home by Baby D
Well here I am-been here a while now. That is my brother T.So far I have learned to control these big people. I just rev up the sounds I make -0-60 in one second. I am hungry! or I want to eat now. Or I am uncomfortable.
My guess is that babies are just immature digestive creatures.they control us-their staff-by crying and we do their bidding. Feed/burp/feed/clean-diaper/hold,rock feed ,burp diaper etc etc etc. yes it takes a village.
I dont live in the hospital this is my home-I hope Carmie can upload the picture of me in the car-seat-she describes it as a torture seat.I like it here.Still not sleeping well. they all take turns rocking and swaying and giggling me. Still does not feel the same as beforebut getting better at it. I have a lot of stuff. A mom,dad ,grandm,grandpa,two aunts,a cousin on the way-what does that mean? I have diapers and boppy and everthing I sit in either swings,or vibrates or makes noise. This place is very differentSensory input is amazing. LIGHT- sum-outside,cold warm-movement ,wet dry omg-there is a lot of stuff going on all the time.
Oh My brother T- he looks very different from the rest of the fam-and he licks me a lot.And my Mom- they keep telling her-Dont squeeze the baby!
I know how to spit up,cry,pee and poop an burp and I make funny faces and I smile. I can cry really good. they-my staff-keep saying it's a good thing he is sooo Well now Carmie is visiting. she islearning to sway and hold me with more confidence. We are bonding.
OH OH did i tell you about my visitors at the hospital -big people and kidsand a whole group of people in uniforms-Thought they were gonna arrest Dad-but no they were friends. We have a lot of them.
Diaper Changing! man they rip off my clothes,wipe me with a frigid thing,tape me into a diaper and wonder why I cry.Dressing me-not so easy. I'll get you-first I'll kick as hard as i can and move my arms and see how that is. I am going to pee on your wall if you dont hurry -up!!
My house has "pot lights' I like to look at them. Oh -they put me in the torture seat and put it in a wheely thing and bumped me along outside with my brother T. That was unbelievable. We met more people happy to meet me. Why not.I'm a baby and i am kool.
Well there were some events that were not happy-mom had a problem but she's ok now. But Carmie stayed alone with me and T . she said that was ,"initiation byfire'-dont know what that meant-but she is better at holding me,changing me and feeding me. I have a swing- it goes fast-Carmie dosent care for it-but mom and dad and I love it.
We go out in a car. That is Ok. In the "torture"seat then the whole thing vibrates and I just can't help myself sleep.Oh!redlight-cry -get going.
Before I forget I must tell all you other babies out there- I can coo- or of course as we know -Speak. I can say a real good ae sound that is short a. It is not eay to coordinat but i'm geting good at it.
TIPS for BABIESCRY loud and fast for instant gratification. Smile to make the big people smile.Coo to apease them.Sleep sometimes to give them the rest they need to serve your needs.
OH- who said those cold wipe things were a good idea. How would you like to have those cold things on your most delicate areas.See that screaming picture up at the top-Carmie cant move it- but remember this word BATH! AND WHEN YOU HEAR IT RUN FOR THE HILLS.!! oH WE CANT RUN YET. oH WELL.BRINGING YOU ALL UP TO DATEmY FIRST BIG ROAD TRIP-WHAT A DISAST;">We went for a car ride. I pooped and omg the whole torture seat got messed up.I slept for 5 hours in a row- I gained lbs. I'm getting chubby. Let me see now- sensory input-a lot of stuff to deal with.i like the music. visitors -they like me . Carmie says I will be under a microscope (whatever that is for the next few years -she said 5 but I cant count yet. Two OT's came to visit- My aunts are teachers-Carmie is just interested in communication first then general development-Mom she is totally interested in my gross motor.
I'm getting better at holding my head up and seem to be swiping-maybe. They say I'm getting organized. They better get organized e is on the way-my new cousin. I heard that i have more people in Texas! a grandm and grandpa-aunt and uncle- great grandma-great uncles Wow and another new cousin on the way. Oh well life is good Talk soon. I wonder when I get a cell phone.Oh -have to learn to talk first.
Welcome to this world.
OMG! Where is my lawyer?? I've been evicted. No advance notice -Just drag me out by my feet-humiliating! that was such a warm cozy safe place. where am I? What is going on. Who are these people? I'm hungry.
Becoming a grandma for the first time was quite an experience. Not being the mom, I felt more objective in my observations. these ideas are a month late but I'll try to catch up.
Ok-I hope this is not my home. It's kind of sterile-People- Oh I recognize the voice - that's my mom.she is soft and warm. That's Dad-He can hold me like a football in one hand-wow. Oh 'hospital" that is where I am. born- hmmm-arrived I guess. boy I'm hungry.
did not sleep well- I had to communicate rather vigorously- but I'm still hungry. Not too comfortable. They keep me in a plastic box and i get pushed around alot.
Visitors! OK - they are timid about holding me. I do not bite-yet! That is Carmie-aka-grandmaJ.Grandpa took a day before he would hold me.
Wow- dad went home to sleep. good that means we dont live here. Grandma-carmie Stayed the night. a privilege.
More to come. 1st days home. And E is coming . D.
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