Thursday, January 28, 2010

Photo update and development

Well then, Dean is eating food-ella is talking up a storm-2 and a half consonsts and many vowels and combining them all with a lovely voice.
hey Dean gram is doing better in the photo upload department! i heard you were eating real food. let's skype that. i am playing in my gym clutching toys and of course getting my fingers in my mouth. Gram came by and brought me a book. you will get yours in the mail.
hey Ella this eating thing is neat. Well only in the choloquial form of neat-it gets messy. i get my hands into save it for later. Wish gram would visit me . Skype works for now. You and gram and your mom should visit soon. Well go and soon dean and ella

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

New try again

sorry Gram cant move the dean food photos from facebook yet and i need new ella photos from phone Anyway Skype is working well- Dean has discovered food-sweet potatoes-apples - cereal oh my- Dean says--i like this food thing--tastes good- not hard to do at all- open mouth spoonful goes in yummy and swallow and then do it again. so ella what's new by you??

There are new pictures on gram's phone ! Get with it! I'm going out a lot almost every day. No food yet but i still eat a lot. I love my play gym and outside walks in the stroller. Still dont like that bucket-do you? Dean emphatically says -No. Ok message to gram get new pictures up. Skype soon.dean and ella

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Developmental update Essential

Ella says--So Dean what is new with you?? Me? I visited gram-J we went for a walk in her fancy stroller-it has time and temperature. I am talking more that whole exhale vocalize coordination is getting very easy. i clearly communicated my discomfort in that bucket. so i got to go in the stroller without the bucket. I saw a lot of sky. I went out and visited my mom's friend and her baby- i was the "older' more grown up baby. Did you see my new pictures -how about that snow queen outfit -it came from california.I'm doing better with tummy time but it is still quite a workout. so how about you???
Dean-Well i go to all kinds of places- mom better learn about child labor laws she took me to work. i was a star of course. I am about to sit with a lot of facilitation from my mom. I wish i could run. I am finally getting to eat with a spoon real food-it is called oatmeal. Wow it tastes soooo good. I'll be getting veggies and fruit soon. I just cannot get over how much there is to learn and do and see. i love to talk- it is way cool. Well I heard that gram got skype so ill be seeing her soon too. Technology sooo kool. Kay -bye.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Trip to Md for Dean- Ella sleepless Night

Sorry no photos today i've spent enough time on the computer. Here is the news for today and baby development. dean has had more shots - he says-Ouch! but now i can eat cereal and drink juice. Juice wow that is a great new taste sensation-qiet TEx- you are one high maintenence dog- he wants attention- no I cant ply soccer ball with you yet. I am soo big -eating and drinking oh my so kool.

ella Snow again - When is it going to be warmer so I can get out more- I just couldn't even sleep at all last night. Must be atmospheric conditions. I am increasing my vowel content and enjoying the enviornmental stim more . Maybe I will sleep tonite. Congrats on the food thing Dean.
Seems that gram needs to learn to upload photos from her new phone- Better get reading those directions gram!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

our christmas and new year

DEan to Ella Whee do I begin. Another big road trip to Nj and snow-wow did you see all that bright white stuff. And we packed the car, Oh we had 3 visitors before we left VA It was aunt amie and her two dogs. she did not fly this time- she drove straight up from Fla.Her do Bel is very big and dino is polkadots -he is a chub like me. Me I am sooo big i talk all day I reply to people talk-my vowels have expanded i can speak at will i giggle and laugh out loud- I can turn over from my tummy. I'mstill not crazy about tummy time but Mom says it's good for me-We all need our tummy time. So we got presents and visited for many days and i slept some in my pac-n-play. I visited ella's house for a photo shoot. We had many pictures together-what did you think of that el?.Tex had fun wrestling with dino. ella and i really had fun with aunt amie. Grandma and grandpa too. We are the center of attention.
Gram says we are engaged and social-she likes that. Boy-all we have to do is smile and laugh and they just fall all over us. Life is good. Oh i start daycare when i go back and mom goes back to work.A new year and new stuff happening.

Ella to Dean- Wow just a smile and i am the star- Oh i got the prettiest clothes ever- do you think a 5 week old should be so into clothes- and thanks for the cool slipper boots- i had fun with the photo shoot but i got tired and hungry My mom is still doing xmas photos. Oh the clothes were so nice fome everyone- I loved the pink star outfit from aunt Amie and oh that blue dress from aunt hilda-Oh that was a beauty. i wore my Santa dress too. but my favorite of all is jeans-those back pockets are perfect for the pacifier. hey Dean this talking is fun i can put vowels together and be soft or loud im starting to laugh out loud too a bit. Cannot get that turn yet and boy i dont like tummy time but i dont want a flat head and i need to practice my push ups. Well cannot wait to see what january will bring. Let's try to keep up with this blog -gram you are sliping.